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Actuaries are the analytical backbone of our society's financial security programs. 的y are the brains behind the financial safeguards we have implemented in our personal lives, so we can go about our daily lives without worrying too much about what the future may hold for us. 的se are the safeguards that protect us from life's catastrophes. 的 insight into risk that actuaries have also helps to ensure that our savings are working hard for us, so that everything we love and cherish can grow and flourish. 的 work of actuaries benefits all of us.

精算师热爱他们的工作. 的ir work is intellectually challenging and they are very well-paid. Actuaries are key players in the management team of the companies that employ them. 在这个瞬息万变的世界, with new risks and the need for ever-more creative ways to tackle them, there are constant opportunities for personal and professional growth in an actuarial career, 以及终身学习的乐趣. Most actuaries work in a pleasant environment, 和其他专业人士一起, 享受同龄人的尊重.

存在于经济的各个领域, actuaries are more heavily represented in the financial services sector, 包括保险公司, 商业银行, 投资银行, 还有退休基金. 的y are employed by corporations as well as the state and federal government. 许多人在咨询公司工作. 有些是自雇人士, enjoying financially rewarding careers that also come with the great flexibility of being one's own boss.



数学的混合, 经济学, 统计与金融, this major positions graduates to become experts in evaluating the likelihood of undesirable events and decreasing their impact. 的 program prepares students for jobs in the field, as well as provides the educational background to pursue an advanced degree in 经济学, 数学, 统计或工商管理.

Actuarial science is a discipline in which complex data sets are used to analyze risk probabilities and their associated costs. Corporations rely on actuarial risk evaluation to frame their strategic management decisions. Actuaries are employed by the insurance industry, corporations, the government and/or individuals. 成为一名精算师, 扎实的数学背景, 统计数据, 经济学和金融学是必修课.


  • Evaluating the likelihood of future events
  • Designing creative ways to reduce the likelihood of undesirable events
  • Decreasing the impact of undesirable events that do occur

的re are multiple 保险精算学 degrees available to students:

你的承诺 is 十大菠菜台子’s commitment to provide undergraduate students with opportunities for meaningful, 实践学习. This commitment seeks to enhance students’ academic knowledge with experiential learning, internships and/or research experiences that empower them to make substantive professional contributions.

学生s are taught to think analytically and to develop models appropriate to the process being analyzed. 学生s develop many useful skills including the ability to: 

  • Understand concrete and abstract topics
  • 逻辑思维和批判性思维
  • 找出问题的本质
  • 收集/整理/评估数据
  • 解决定量问题
  • 管理复杂项目
  • Work independently and as part of a team
  • 运用基本的商业原则
  • Communicate by preparing and presenting facts and ideas clearly, effectively and by listening
  • 做出正确的判断和决定
  • Use computers (spreadsheets, statistical programs, databases,

Actuaries work anywhere risk is present. Actuaries are employed by colleges and universities, 银行和投资公司, 会计师事务所, 工会, rating bureaus and fraternal organizations. Since actuarial judgment is highly valued, career paths often lead to upper management and executive positions. 许多资源, 包括工作相关年鉴, have consistently rated the actuarial profession as a top-ranked career based upon factors including physical demands, 工作保障, 补偿, 进步, 和压力, 在其他标准中.

A career in accounting can be exciting, dynamic and demanding. 的 rewards for hard work are significant and afford ambitious professionals unlimited career possibilities. For more information on careers please visit the 劳工统计局 or O *网.


  • 精算师
  • 保险的保险人
  • 成本估计
  • 预算分析
  • 统计学家
  • 经济学家
  • 个人理财顾问


  • Ally Financial
  • 密歇根蓝十字蓝盾协会
  • 德勤
  • 韬睿惠悦
  • 公司

Access thousands of job and internship postings at 握手. 握手 also provides the latest news from OU Career and Life Design, 专为公开大学学生和校友提供.



工资范围:$43,210 - $196,010
Median Annual Wage | $71,790 - $111,030, depending
National Growth | 12 - 24% from 2020 to 2030

*Data from the National Bureau of Labor and Statistics.
Passing exams could add $5,000 to $10,000 to starting salary.

